Book Canon(s) Included 66 Books All Canons 13 Apocyrpha All except Protestant Tobit, Sirach also found in the DSS (Dead Sea Scrolls) The following canons include the 66, the 13, plus others 3 Maccabees Greek, Syrian, Armenian, Georgian, Assyrian, Slavic 4 Maccabees Greek*, Georgian Psalm 151 Greek, Syrian, Egyptian, Armenian, Ethiopian, Georgian, Assyrian, Slavic, ANF, DSS Ps. 152-156 DSS x 2 Esdras 3-14 Anglican, Syrian, Armenian, Georgian, Assyrian, Slavic, ANF x 2 Esdras 1-2 Anglican, Slavic* x 2 Esdras 15-16 Anglican, Slavic* Laodeceans Wycliff & Quaker Bibles x 1 Enoch Ethiopian, ANF, DSS x Jubilees Ethiopian, DSS x 3 Corinthans Syrian*, Armenian*, x Epistle of Barnabas ANF Life of Adam & Eve Armenian Joseph and Asenath Armenian*, Ethiopian* Apocalypse of Elijah Egyptian 2 Baruch Syrian, x Twelve Patriarchs Armenian, DSS, ANF x Patriarchs (other) DSS Didache ANF Apocalypse of Baruch Syrian, Assyrian, Apoc of Abraham Slavic* Martyrdom of Isaiah Ethiopian Josephus' War VII* Ethiopian I-III Meqabyan Ethiopian 4 Baruch Ethiopian Josippon Ethiopian Jannes and Jambres Ethiopian*, DSS x Book of Gad Cochin Book of Nathan Cochin Book of Iddo Cochin Book of Shemiah Cochin Book of Ahijah Cochin Beta Israel Conversation of Moses Death of Aaron Death of Moses Apoc. of Gorgorios Book of Angels * in some manuscripts but not all